Jackie Abbott (she/they) is an oddball, a tender-hearted romantic, and an aspiring class act
(Read: actor, writer, and photographer based in NYC) 

As a child in Stamford, CT they had Irish stepdance recitals on the stage where The Maury Show filmed
Despite the dance classes and the last name, Jackie is not Irish

On her FIRST ever AUDITi0N for a M@JOR role, she B0OKED it!!*!~!!
(It was Elizabeth Proctor in her high school production of The Crucible)

Jackie graduated from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts with a Drama Award & sense of play intact
Thanks to four years of clowning and one semester in a car with Olympia Dukakis


Praise for Jackie in "Old Names for Wildflowers"

"Jackie Abbott as Zoe, the chthonic enchantress, was exceptional. She gave us a fiery β€œnew” woman rising strong from the ashes fierce in her love and a mighty force in the face of blunt patriarchy." - Jacquelyn Claire (Stagebiz)

"Sharp with a hint of mysteriousness. The uncontrived chemistry between Eilbacher and Abbott makes them an enthralling duo." - Ran Xia (Theater Is Easy)

"Mysteriously compelling.... resilient, headstrong, passionate and intelligent. Jackie Abbott [is] the heart of this cast. As Zoe... she delivers a performance that is nuanced and powerful. Even when the narrative focuses on the other characters, and before it becomes apparent that [her character] will feature in the tale, her presence draws attention." - Theresa Perkins (My Entertainment World)


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